4 good reasons why adults should have soft toys too!

Many believe that cuddly toys are only for children, but if we were being honest, it turns out that adults love soft toys too! In a survey conducted by Metro UK one-third of 2,000 adults surveyed said they still sleep with a teddy bear, fifteen percent went so far as to declare that a cuddly toy was essential for their peaceful sleep, and even more said they still could not part with their childhood cuddly toy (44 percent of participants said that their cuddly toy was safely stored in a box in their attic or cellar ... inseparable!)

There are many good reasons for owning a teddy as an adult:

1. Teddies can bring us security and comfort

As Donald Winicott states, the role of soft toys as “comfort objects,” or “transitional objects,” in the development of a child, is equally relevant to adult life, where plush toys can help us feel a greater sense of security when moving from one life stage to another, or even from one job, partner or location to another.

2. Teddies can help us overcome feelings of loneliness

Not only live animals, like cats or dogs, can provide comfort and company in times of loneliness. To some extent your beloved plush toy can also ease feelings of loneliness and alienation, helping you to cope with the interconnected and yet at times lonely world of today.

3. Teddies are therapeutic

Teddies can give instant relief from emotional discomfort. Many studies have shown that a comfort object like a teddy bear increases emotional wellbeing, coping skills, resilience, self-esteem and sleep because the object triggers self-soothing behaviour.

4. Teddies can reduce stress

You will be surprised to know that cuddling a soft toy is not just good for your mental health, it is good for your physical health too; it brings a sense of calm and helps you to relax. Sleeping with a soft toy is a great idea if you have had a really tough day, it relaxes your body and triggers a healing process, be that physical or mental.

Now all you have to do is choose: Hector, Jermaine, Scott, Piotr, Helmut or Arthus? One thing’s for sure, they will always be there for you!